All schools and nurseries need to be fully compliant with both the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and Ofsted EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) requirements or the equivalent criteria if establishment is not subject to Ofsted approval. Futhermore it is vital that all school staff know who their first aiders are, how to contact them and that there are agreed procedures in place for dealing with all kinds of emergencies, including those in isolated areas such as playing fields.
To ensure this, first aid notices should be clearly displayed giving information on the names and location of first aiders and the location of first aid equipment.
Nationally Recognised Training for Teaching Staff
Accredited, regulated and OFSTED-compliant first aid training courses
Provision of mental health first aid is not a legal requirement upon employers. Mental health first aid training courses teach people to spot the symptoms of mental health issues, offer initial help and guide a person towards the support they need. They don’t teach people to be therapists. The NEU does not train its members to become mental health first aiders for their school because that should be an employer responsibility, in the same way as first aid is an employer responsibility.
The NEU does not seek to dissuade members from volunteering to become a mental health first aider in their workplace. In such cases training should be provided by, and paid for by, the school.
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